Fantasy Life (EUR)(3DS File) ~ N3DS

Release Date : 24 Oct 2014
Genre : RPG
Publisher : Nintendo
Region : PAL
Languages : English, SP , GR , dll

Mekuin - Embark on the adventure of your dream life as you craft, cast, fish, mine, battle and explore like never before. With the innovative Life system, your choices don’t just upgrade characters—they help shape your journey. Explore a huge fantasy landscape beside surly dark paladins, slick pirate captains, regal princesses, and others who share your taste for the unknown.


Password :
Size :  856 MB (Google Drive)

How To Install
  1. Download Fantasy Life (EUR)
  2. Anda bisa memasukkannya ke Sdcard 3DS atau Memainkannya menggunakan Emulator (Contohnya : Citra , dll)
  3. Selamat Bermain Fantasy Life
System Requirement

Saat ini saya masih tidak tahu Spesifikasi untuk Citra , yang pasti musti Support OpenGL 3.3 , Min Visual C++ 2005 , Directx 11 dan kuatkan iman
  • Dual Core Intel Core i3-4150@3.5Ghz
  • 6GB DDR3 RAM
  • NVidia Geforce GTX 745
  • 1TB SATA

Screen Shot

Credit by Mekuin

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